Diversity and Inclusion Services

At the Student Success Centre, we’re driven by McMaster’s commitment to creating a brighter world through impact, ambition and transformation. In recent years, we’ve expanded our services for employers, with an increased focus on inclusive employment, accommodations support and equity principles. We take an individualized approach when working with students, campus groups and community partners.

Diversity adds value

Diversity and inclusion are essential components of a welcoming, supportive workplace, benefiting employers and employees alike. Employers get to embrace a wide variety of different perspectives, ideas and lived experiences to contribute to the organization’s goals, and employees get to feel a sense of belonging and purpose in an accepting workplace environment that aligns with their values.

We are extremely grateful to McMaster Student Success Centre and their prioritisation and implementation of programming dedicated to equitable educational and employment opportunities and specifically, Katherine Hesson-Bolton, and her unique commitment to the “Inclusion Revolution”…

The allyship ASpectrum has cultivated with McMaster’s Student Success Centre, with Katherine’s guidance, has had a critical impact on ASpectrum and our ability to fulfil our mission to connect neurodivergent aptitude to supportive employment opportunities.

— ASpectrum